In 2008 when the world stopped due to the financial crash, we had to re evaluate our business model as we realised that if people didn’t want the fasteners we manufactured at Clevedon, we were pretty much sunk. as a result we created Clevtec. Clevtec is a trading arm of Clevedon Fasteners Ltd and unlike Clevedon who are a purely a manufacturing entity, Clevtec is able to buy and sell product all over the world, as long as it made a return. This meant that as well as fasteners, Clevtec could venture into other parts of the fastener market, that we were unable to make at Clevedon.
Clevtec soon found that there was a latent demand of high quality threaded fasteners, particularly if they were of UK origin and so in 2012 we purchased a company called Blakeacre who specialised in high quality threaded fasteners and they became part of Clevtec. In addition to threaded fasteners, Clevtec over the years has got into Commercial Vehicle brake shoe platforms and various types of Setting machines, the latest of which being spin riveters.
Clevtec’s latest market offering is a range of services that we believe our existing an new customers will find of interest. Over the past year we have been developing with a selected number of existing customers, two specific services
Supplier reduction service
Design Support service
We are now in a position where we are able to offer these services to other customers. The details of these services will be on our new Clevtec Services web site and will be the subject of further Blogs in the future
Clevtec Services
Contact us on 0121-378-5967
or email me on [email protected]