Whilst there are still problems to be solved and overcame, we are pleased to see that for Clevedon Fasteners, issues caused by Brexit are showing positive signs of receding. We are extremely grateful to our fantastic customers and loyal team for sticking with us and supporting us throughout what has been an extremely difficult time for many, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the UK’s exit from the EU.
As usual, we would like to make the polite reminder that if you wish to continue trading with ourselves, or any other UK company, you will be required to send us your EORI number.
We are pleased to be busier than ever, in helping projects all over the UK continue running smoothly – however this is increasing our delivery times significantly. Therefore, we would recommend that you do your very best to place your orders as early as possible to avoid any hinderances to your work.
Our team are working hard to ensure stock of products available is as high as possible, in order to keep providing our popular range of specialised cold forged components and fasteners. If you would like to view the stock, please click here: https://www.clevedon-fasteners.co.uk/products.
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Brexit Issues Are Receding